
Allo everybody!

Huzzah I’m on time 🙂 So today’s information page is Anima. Anima is kind of essential part of the story mainly because Jamie is traversing through the Space between Worlds and even though Ancient One has that ability, it seems likes she still falls asleep whenever she goes through that space. Why?

I felt like these first two information pages were kind of necessary mainly because now we are slightly familiar with the Gods who created everything. Now for next week I want to go into the Hierarchy of Magic (which will involve fancy charts) and a little introduction to Shifters! I’m going to try to post more next week because I won’t be posting much or anything at all the week I have to take PCAT. So hopefully I’ll have lots to post for you all next week to make up for it. Unfortunately, the only documents about the Great War are still written in the Godly Language, I’ll try to come up with an info page for the Great War with whatever I can translate for you guys.

The Goddess of Creation: Anima

The Goddess of Creation: Anima

So, this is Anima, we don’t get to see her face mainly because I don’t want you guys to see her well. She’s supposed to wearing the space, or at least it supposed to like that to a certain extent. And instead of pupils she has the sign for Anima as her pupils. Now, the curl she has in her hair, just remember it for future reference.

Well that’s all I have for now,


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